Saturday, March 25, 2006

Dalai Lama interviewed in Dharmsala - BBC

Interesting "seeing" the Dalai Lama in Dharmsala, India, compliments of the BBC. I thought this interesting news story I ClipCache saved awhile ago interesting in the archaeology of Tibet. My grief is not completing "Economic Anthropology" with the Chairman (classes are tough when you're the only one in them) of Anthropology some years ago, Pedro Carrasco, Ph.D., who escaped out of Tibet during a Chinese invasion where he had gone as a student from Mexico, to study markets there. I hear archaeology in Nepal has ceased. I once had Social Anthropology with Rex Jones, Ph.D., he and Shirley Jones studied with the Limbu of eastern Nepal. dhyana prana for wakefulness, as the Carl G. Jung text had of the "Great Liberation". The "dalai lama" said it's Mongolian for "ocean of wisdom", it would be nice if Tibet was like Mongolia today, autonomous. Large Tibetan religious site discovered in Sichuan (Xinhua) Updated: 2005-02-11 09:28 The discovery of a large Tibetan religious site in Shiqu County in southwest China's Sichuan Province was announced recently. Located at the source of the Yalong River in remote southern Sichuan, the site was well protected since the area is not easy to get to, said Shi Shuo, a professor on Tibet culture in Sichuan University who discovered the site. The site, which is 73 meters long, 47 meters wide and 14.5 meters high at the center, has been carefully studied and authenticated by the Sichuan Provincial Relics and Archeology Institute. It was surrounded by nine-meter walls, dotted with 383 stone Buddha shrines. Inside, there were huge piles of Buddha sculptures and stones engraved with Buddhist sutras. "Some narrow paths stretch inside the piles. The site is just like a labyrinth," Shi said. Locals believed the site was related to King Gesser, a Tibetan hero whose exploits have been handed down in songs and stories for eight centuries among the Tibetan people. "Some tales said the site was built to pay regard to Gesser's spirit and some believed it was used to commemorate the deceased soldiers who died when fighting alongside Gesser at a nearby battlefield," Shi said. Judging from the Tibetan and Sanskrit sutras on the stones, the site might date from around the 11th or 12th century, said Gao Dalun, director of Sichuan Provincial Relics and Archeology Institute, calling the site a "stone sculpture museum." Rocks with engraved sutras are endemic to Tibetan Buddhism and are also related with local worship of rocks. The sculptures and sutra stones are believed to bear the wishes of believers." My friend Joel W. Grossman, Ph.D. had some neighbors on 19th St. in NYC that were Tibetans. They also had a retreat house near Bowdoin Park, Dutchess County, NY where we worked. It had a raptor care center, and released birds of prey back into the wild, or cared for those no-longer able to. It was a summer estate of the financier J. P. Morgan I was told, though that house, in a photo, is gone. It was with great sorrow I heard one of the care-takers or "rangers" who lived there took his own life by plunging from a bridge into the Hudson River.

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