Thursday, March 23, 2006

Eat Soup With A Knife

Interesting, I thought Intelligence "lost the war" (never declared by the Congress) in Vietnam, the History Channel had the Vietcong celebrating Christmas with Bob Hope, in the tunnels underneath him! I kid you not. I had a classmate in Da Nang in Air Force Intelligence, a sergeant, who looked me up when he got home. Our high school Newfield, in Selden, NY out on Long Island had the first JROTC Marines in the country, his father was on the school board, Mr. Mijon. Mr. Marino, who owned the local butchers, lost a son, in demolitions gone awry, or he became a Lt. Colonel in the Cuban Army! Just a theory. I was in the Boy Scouts with him for awhile, later a red beret Explorer, Post 222. Are the 20,000 JROTCs in mostly poor high schools, worth the over $1 billion a year? ("Defense Monitor" ca. 1994) Or should we have had a "draft" as Harlem Rep. Charles B. Rangel, a Korean War vet, proposed bringing back, quickly squashed by the Congress? Do they have women in them? I ask because the "All Volunteer" service started partly in my school district, who sued for non-property based school aid funds and lost to "it's constitutional" to pay less to the poorer school districts and give more to the "richer" properties. Oh yeah, a lottery makes everything hunky-dory. Insurgency, I think, can be beat with better ideas, timetables offered, since there are no overwhelming numbers since Nagasaki. David Martin Dispatch: Why Learning The Lessons Of Vietnam Can Be Hard 30 Years Later

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