Sunday, March 26, 2006

Last Request (it's my birthday)

Mike Stanfill, Private Hand - Flash animation - The Last Request: Years ago, Harvard University published a book of prison work songs from Texas called "Wake Up Dead Man" from one of them. The authors explained, back in 1971, that conditions, yes, had been very bad in the Texas prison system, but in the then recent times had made remarkable progress and had become one of the "best" prison systems in the USA. However, with the return of the "death penalty" I feel the US prison system, especially with DNA in the news, and people in prison freed after, what was the last, 18 years?, has taken a turn for the worse. The "NY Times" has made a statistical case against in that the shootings and deaths of police officers is higher in New York State with the death penalty in one of their editorials. I was to the site of the last death penalty hanging in New York State, Mayville, NY, near Lake Chautauqua, (geoarchaeology "Millennium Pipeline") while a public execution almost went on over HIV, the defendant extradited to the Bronx County, NY by its District Attorney here, who had opposed another NY Governor ordered sentencing within his jurisdiction. This work is very powerful and this gentleman quite an artist. Don't miss the "Infinite Cat Project" it's hilarious!

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