Sunday, March 26, 2006

Graceland an Official Historic Landmark

Last time I was in Memphis, Tennessee, Graceland was closed out of respect to the wishes of the family, I think, Elvis Presley's father had died. I was living in Columbus, Mississippi, working near the Waverley Plantation Mansion ferry historic site for the Tombigbee River "Barge Canal". The local Mall there had Elvis' Cadillac station wagon and one of his guitars on exhibit. He had asked General Motors to please build one, and had one built to show what he meant. We then moved up to Belmont, Mississippi, working in Bay Springs in Tishomingo County, and one of the crew, a mandolin player, took me down to Tupelo one evening to see Elvis' birthplace, since fixed up and at the time a chapel contract planned for the back of it was awarded to a firm in West Point, Mississippi. The gates were closed that day.

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