Tuesday, September 20, 2005

200-Ft Long Pink Bunny To Stay On Italian Moutainside For 20 Years... | The Huffington Post

"In North Creek, NY where commercial skiing started in 1934, after locals were inspired by the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, there on 'Little Gore' where once Saks 5th Avenue brought NYers up to ski, getting on buses and trucks up to the garnet mine and down the mountain, is a Rabbit Pond!!! Anyway, Gore Mountain Ski Area is today further down Peaceful Valley Road ('Peacefull' on one road-sign) When the V-8 was invented someone hooked up a rope to the bare rear wheel rim and up went the schlushers and down the hill, later lifts were built. They are trying today, in the Town of Johnsburg, to 'interconnect' with Gore Mtn. according to a petition being signed to Governor Pataki. A trail runs up to Rabbit Pond!!! They want to build a ski village there in North Creek, NY where there is a train and ski museum and a train to ride, where Vice President Theodore Roosevelt was told President McKinley had died, shot eight days before at the Pan American Exhibition in Buffalo, NY. Nice place, I was just there for 2 1/2 days doing research out of the Alpine Motel, with a future Polish prosecutor watching the place. Rabbit Pond!!!"

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