Tuesday, September 20, 2005

On the President posing with a football...

It seems he's trying very hard in the photo not to look like the Texas peerage. In "Debrett's Texas Peerage" by Hugh Best, Coward-McCann. Inc., New York, 1983, there's a funny photo where all the nouveau-rich oil people attended a gathering and sat on these newly painted benches in their white and seersuckers I imagine, "Sunday best" only when photographed from behind when they stood up with the still wet paint on them, they appeared to have been in the prison uniform of the time, stripes! Apparently there's only one "Bush" in the whole book of 385 pages, a "Mrs. Marsh was the former Wendy Bush, granddaughter of cattle king William Bush. Her mother was the daughter of Joseph Glidden, the inventor of barbed wire." - p. 212.

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