Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Interesting new cannabis study

I looked at the article (Scientists Discover New Type Of Stronger Cannabis, Dub It Rasta…) and was a little disappointed. Many years ago, the potency of a "cannabis americana" from Kentucky was attested too (US Dispensatory, 1918), and this study leaves out a possible American type, since it is stated elswhere: "The Iroquois used Cannabis sativa medicinally to convince patients that they had recovered. They also found it useful as a stimulant (D. E. Moerman 1986 at efloras.org)". And in light of "Medical Marijuana and the Supreme Court" New England Journal of Medicine, August 19, 2005, I was hoping there was more to the study, though for what it does, examines DNA "races" of marijuana it's commendable. (Same flora reference as above, including the parenthetic reference to the Iroquois: description of cannabis in the flora of North America). Interestingly the plant is classified with what we would call "hops" under "cannabaceae" at least in illustration. Cannabis is "da ma" in Chinese and the hops are "dian lu cao" and "pi jiu hua". (click on picture posted above or search for: foci05-083.gif)

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