Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Signed a petition for peace

I have been sort of neutral through much of this thinking, well my father's oncologist Italian Dr. La Pera was over there filming the effects of the first war in Iraq, his doctor friends interviewed by famous television journalist, John McLaughlin, maybe we are doing the "right thing" (pun intended) trying to repair the power plant we had to go and bomb eleven (11) or more times, pollution in the water making many, many children sick, but when I read this report, I had to sign a peace petition for the group demonstrating in Washington, D.C. this weekend. "The Independent" reported $1 billion has been stolen from Iraqi military supplies, more than "food for oil" over 6 or more years. We were right there allowing the theft, its time to protect and preserve our own. Bring them home, then sell them good arms if they need them. We're now responsible for shoddy protection. Not good.

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