Thursday, May 04, 2006

The L word

laurence n. - bending of lightwaves by heat as seen on pavement on hot summer day lemma n. - (pl. -mas, -mata ) Logic, major premise; (argument or theme used as) the title of a composition; Lexicography, word considered as a headword, accompanied by all its inflected forms. Botany, flowering glume of grass. lestobiosis n. - (pl. -ses ) mode of life characterized by furtive stealing, especially as found where two species of ant live side by side. - From Luciferous Logolepsy "Dragging obscure words into the light of day" also home of The MegaPenny Project sort of a "Universe In 40 Jumps" (Kees Boeke: 1957) for a U.S. penny. Boeke's book made quite an impression on many people I think, back there during the "duck and cover nuclear attack drills" better in the hall than under a desk.

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