Wednesday, May 03, 2006

...concerned by the practice of "extraordinary renditions"

Representative Joseph Crowley Senator Charles Schumer Senator Hillary Clinton From: George Myers I am concerned by the practice of "extraordinary renditions" in which the United States is transferring individuals for detention and interrogation to countries with a substantial record of using torture. US legal obligations under federal law and international treaties prohibit the transfer of any person to any country where they are likely to face torture. Nonetheless, the US Government is reported to have sent or been complicit in sending individuals to countries like Egypt, Jordan and Afghanistan, countries that the State Department has criticized for practicing torture. As an archaeology technician I have worked in NYC City Hall Park, which was the former location of the "First Almshouse" and its cemetery. I worked there in 1999 delineating burials. Next door was what the NY Times reported (1903) to be "blacker than any black hole of Calcutta" prison where its alleged Major Cunningham of the British Army in the American Revolution tortured patriot citizens, among them Ethan Allen of Vermont. These practices were why we fought to rule ourselves and those that work for the people, by the people. Congressman Edward Markey (MA) has sponsored the Torture Outsourcing Prevention Act (H.R. 952) in the House of Representatives and Senator Patrick Leahy (VT) has sponsored the "Convention Against Torture Implementation Act" (S. 654) in the Senate. Both would require annual reporting of countries that engage in torture and prohibit the transfer or return of a detainee to a country that has a history of torture. I urge you to cosponsor and pass H.R. 952/S. 654, which is an important step in affirming US commitments under both international and federal law to prevent torture, and helps restore US credibility. - Amnesty International letter

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