Monday, August 15, 2011

Alec Baldwin: New York And Me – a comment

Have you seen "King of the Ants"? Mr. Baldwin's brother plays an unscrupulo­us developer in it. I worry about that in New York, as I work in its archaeolog­y on and off. I'm not sure how we're going to get a "square deal". For example 9/11/01 was a primary day in NYC, and just before it, WABC I think it was invited the candidates for Mayor to appear on air to answer a panel of reporters' questions. After the candidates responses each response, they considered "possible" with a checkmark or X representi­ng "not possible" and probably a nice piece of political rhetoric. I recall it because of the crash in Queens, WTC debacle and that a large Johnson&Johnson wound research center was closed over an unknown powder in the mail in New Jersey where I was working, then on to Picatinney Arsenal and West Point Military Academy in archaeolog­ical testing as required by law and working away from NYC.

One of the candidates on the news special replied, this again was prior to the 9/11 election primary, that he would construct the low and middle income housing promised in return for building the WTC and "demapping city streets" never allegedly built with the monies about to be received in the "windfall sale" of the World Trade Center by NYC and the NY/NJ Port Authority. His response was given a checkmark by ABC's news panel. And no, Mr. Bloomberg was not there or in the sponsored radio debate.

One thing might be the suggested creation of one “Building Dept.” as once suggested by former NY State Senator Velella. As it is now there are various agencies spread out here and there with separate permitting procedures and “bottlenecks” obviously great places for graft and corruption. If we had one central organization, maybe the faked concrete testing on important projects around the city might never had happened and the former Senator not tempted into a served prison term. In that case a centralized process allows review and regulation. – added past the 250 word limit at Huffington Post.

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