Saturday, July 23, 2011

A faceless corporate enemy

Great film, I thought, my cousin George Murray, had been a film editor for NBC, then due to another's illness, directing the early "Huntley and Brinkley". They started out with only 15 minutes and later became more as the networks put more topical interests on the medium. He became an award winning news producer at NBC according to his friend Edwin Newman, who read at his eulogy in the UN Chapel. Mr. Murray had perished in Mexico City, there with his Avon executive wife, she introducing that product there I think. Mr. Newman, at the eulogy, I was told, read a letter George Murray had to send to his crew investigating the "common soldiers view" of the Vietnam Conflict, cancelled by "higher ups" at great risk I've thought. He had been a US Army Captain in the Korean war, and hopefully that former war might be moving toward a signed peace again in Korea.

I recall reading that the way cigarettes were being made more addictive, was the addition of sugar, which when burned, became an aldehyde which was shown to be addictive. I smoked for many years, finally getting off it with a New Zealand's cheaper air-mailed nicotine gum ( The American "cure" was costing everyday more than the habit.

The last I had heard, CBS had hired George Murray to produce their coverage of the 1976 Republican and Democrat Presidential conventions. About that time the first "maquiladora" factories opened in Mexico.

Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert's blog

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