Thursday, June 03, 2010

Washington Post: E.J. Dionne Jr. - David Souter vs. the Antonin Scalias


From a collection about Irish playwright Samuel Beckett, a photo of a practice when the dead are found along a lonely road in Ireland. (The Unnamable)

Not at Harvard University's commencement speech by former Supreme Court Justice David Souter from New Hampshire (not there either, sometimes I am on Memorial Day) I thought to say something from the new "fountain of justice" New York City:

Washington Post:
E.J. Dionne Jr. - David Souter vs. the Antonin Scalias
georgejmyers wrote: The Constitition states that in the amount of $20 and over a citizen has a right to a trial by a jury of his peers. I don't see that happening in the Bronx, NY. All undercover "buy and busts" involve often that or less, at least in my Grand Jury experience of over 240 cases in one four week session. Where's the rights of jurists? I had to swear them in!
I'm afraid the spelling of "Constitution" was not on purpose, though someone might see it that way.

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