Thursday, February 18, 2010

Talking about: Planet Washington: Here's what the U.S. wanted the British to keep secret

Comment and perhaps what the British wanted the US to keep secret:

The "cooperation" is not only "ahistorical" it's also an imitation of bad methods and procedures. In NYC during the American Revolution prisoners, including Ethan Allen were tortured by a Major Cunningham, in a prison what would be today next to City Hall, cited by the NY Times (1909) as "blacker than any black hole of Calcutta" and many thousands perished around the NYC harbor in dis-masted prison ships, a light supposed to be lit in their memory in Fort Greene, Brooklyn where what is left of their human remains are kept. A questionable "first almshouse" cemetery under the walkway in front of the Horace Greeley statue is in City Hall Park near it a statue in front of City Hall of Nathan Hale, who hung as a spy regretted only having one life to lose for his country. In retaliation for blowing up the fort that became Toronto (actually self-inflicted during the American invasion) the White House was burned in the War of 1812 which America lost, conceivably the lesson learned, to stay within its own borders. Not that British intelligence is that good either, recently two secret reports were found far from their offices, left on a train or somewhere else reported in their news. Around the corner from Guantanamo, America's "last slaver" "Wanderer" sank in a storm on Cape Maysi, which had in 1858 had helped start the Civil War. Are our methods becoming another reason for anarchy? I hope not.

Posted by: George Myers, Jr. | February 16, 2010 at 02:59 PM

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