Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cleaning Up the Mess - Kevin Sites

"American Veteran Chuck Searcy came back to Vietnam to help clean up one of the country’s most bombed provinces. Ten years later, he's still here." - Yahoo News: Vietnam: Past And Present Edwin Newman, "a longtime television anchorman of NBC News" read my cousin George Murray's eulogy at the UN Chapel. He had directed "Huntley and Brinkley" and produced NBC News, often in Saigon and Houston. I wasn't at the eulogy, he had died in Mexico, where his wife was launching Avon cosmetics there. Mr. Newman read a letter George Murray had written canceling the report in preparation by an investigative journalist team in Vietnam, to gather the "common soldiers view" of the conflict there. It was canceled by "higher-ups". The "body counts" issue (orders for body bags watched) about which later General Westmoreland, after a NBC retrospective report on the Vietnam Conflict in 1982, (seven years after the withdrawal of the US from Vietnam) sued the entire NBC network for $100 million. The last time George Murray worked in television, he produced the 1976 Democratic and Republican conventions coverages for CBS. He had been a US Army Captain in the Korean War, a war technically still on, and at first was a film editor at NBC, over from the U.S. Army Signal Corps facility in New York City. "Film at 11".

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