Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cinematical: Guilty Pleasures: Popeye

5. Tonight PBS showed "Great Performances: Bill Irwin, Clown Prince" (which with NPR the jakes in the houses in D.C. are trying to kill again) with some commentary from "Popeye" Robin Williams and I too when I came to this must confess I really enjoyed "Popeye" the film. I almost sailed out on a Canada seiner "Casino Royale" (there was some trouble at General Motors on the assembly line when they made the engine the boat was built around, get out the chainsaw and cut a hole in the new deck, them's turnings in the crankcase) and "Popeye" was like a salve, a poultice, a swing-in' a cat in a cemetery with half a bean on a wart remover and that Olive, she's was swell in it too. Posted at 11:02PM on Jun 14th 2006 by George Myers, Jr. 3 stars (Don't know why I got those stars, might be the "John Goldfarb, Please Come Home" post about Shirley MacLaine, she's a reporter from "Strife" magazine in it, the film was sued for using the word "Notre Dame" in New York State)

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