Thursday, June 15, 2006


In Canada I found, in the province of New Brunswick, that the ombudsman "a government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government" installed in the local government, at least on Grand Manan Island, (the office just in back of the government run liquor store, that, I was there for the opening of, as the U.S. Selective Service fiddled with my draft number's eligibility, and "we" both changed after that, the legal drinking age; up to 19, 20, and then 21 there.)

I think if we had more "ombudsmenship" in government we would not have runaway elected officials who think they can go ahead with their policies so readily, because more people would be offended that a "middle course" through the issues was not, at the very least considered. My background, raised in Centereach, NY (a place name previous would have duplicated another in New York State according to the Post Office, which once appointed to by the President and just summarily dismissed, oops, there is no legal recourse (Myers vs. a previous White House in an appointment in the State of Washington) requires I speak up for the center of each, so to speak.

Unleash The Ombudsing. And The Not-Just-An-Ombudsing. - Public Eye

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