Monday, June 12, 2006

CBS News PublicEye

The First Amendment -- It's Not Just For Big Media Companies Anymore - Public Eye

2005 4th of July, Senator McCain addressed the British press at the BBC Alistair Cooke Memorial Lecture, which they presented as: "In front of an invited audience at the English Speaking Union in London, on the day that Americans celebrate their independence from Britain 229 years ago, Senator McCain will argue that "to be an American patriot is to support a moral mission at home and abroad". Introduced by broadcaster Nick Clarke, the biographer of Alistair Cooke. ( To many that moral mission is also the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which the State of New York would not sign without the other. Many of the issues of the American Revolution have been overlooked I have found, patriot issues just as important there as in Boston and perhaps even more so, were we "divided and conquered" along the Hudson River, north from south.

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