Friday, June 09, 2006

Hot time, summer in the city...

I was listening to Neil Young's garage again online (nice album easy to listen too on DSL now that I'm on Verizon and just got done with a 103 page spreadsheet of artifacts, or inventory using the free Sun Open Office calc you can get anywhere these days and some serious people are switching to) and I was looking through the Google Gmail and saw this guitar company interesting, Raven West Guitar Co. wow beautiful work and great prices too, not that I could, but Epiphone is giving away 6 Triggerman amps and well if I won one, I'd have to get a guitar and probably would get one of these. The "Sopranos" are coming to A&E after minor dialogue edits, one of the Alumni at Stony Brook University is their Exec VP and GM of A & E Television Network, there's also IMAX Co chairman and Co CEO and Craig Allen WCBS radio meteorologist and others who have made it having a NYC Spring Alumni Reception at Club 101 at 101 Park Avenue and E. 40th St. I'm not going the day after Flag Day. $60 to network good deal for some. Heh they busted "Animal House" at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire today after a 2 year investigation. Food fight! We're finally getting the couple thousand artifacts from a 19th Street site next to or part of Cabrini Hospice, where my grand-dad was last, out of the house Sunday. I have a theory how these things we've been looking at fits the time period when, they announced that for $300 you could get out of the US Draft in the Civil War, the city went crazy, people were shot hung killed, courts martialed etc., like "Gangs of New York" film by Martin Scorcese (which has the US Navy firing a cannon on the citizens which historians say never happened, though a guy protected the "NY Times" with a machine gun) as people went crazy over conscription which if you had the "do re mi" could get out of. There was 'abolitionist coinage" we found once at another filled in cistern circulated to remind people to end slavery. Cisterns were usually for water from roofs and rain, switched over to public water neighborhood by neighborhood, starting with Mr. Aaron Burr's water company that became Chase Manhattan Bank, replacing the spring-fed Collect Pond next to which was the African Burial Ground in the press recently, now a U.S. National Monument Water still springs into basements down there near City Hall Park and used to flood the prison cells of the old "Tombs" the jail there was once was called. Aqueducts replaced Burr's two story giant artificial pond. The old Croton Aqueduct, we've hiked on Saturdays with the Bronx Historical Society, taking the train sometimes to it up in Westchester, ran gravity fed, today part of some pretty posh back-yards now. At Sing-Sing and Ossining, NY you can go into part of it, part of a NY State Urban Park (14 of them, Buffalo NY Theater District, Sacketts Harbor, where the US Navy started War of 1812, etc.) It exhibits the prison regime of the past and some of the "shanks" of today. Along the aqueduct is nearby the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery where "The Ramones" did one of their famous rock videos and well, Joey was sick, died, they named a street off the Bowery after him near soon to go CBGB's, where my friend Nancy and I have had to do some other research. Anyway Sunday we give back all the broken ceramic pottery and flower pots, the glass artifacts are in Joe Diamond's house or lab maybe at New Paltz College, NY or in his house near Hurley, NY (a really old little Dutch European looking village) part of "Tootsie" was filmed there in the bar. His Mom was once showing a house, and there was Jimi Hendrix and a Janis Joplin look-a-like she said, up there in the Catskills in 1968, where Dylan, the Band, the Fugs, etc, and me washing Melmac dishes at Camp Timber Lake, sure thought I saw Mr. Hendrix in a sidewalk cafe in Woodstock, NY the next summer many more saw him. My friend Jeffrey 6' 6" 16 years old African American champion of the camps basketball team from Roosevelt, Long Island, when he wasn't driving the old Army jeep around ferrying horse manure and fixing toilets, befriended me and I had a vacation from the camp in Harlem and Roosevelt. Fun summer...them jeeps had to go. "You can see the hood ornament on the car if you go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but if you want to look at the engine and see what's making it go, then you go to the Musicians Hall of Fame & Museum." - Neil Young on the opening of the music museum in Nashville, Tennessee

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