Wednesday, April 12, 2006

On Rummy, Meaningful Hallucinogenic Experiences, and Ending the Drug War

From the Huffington Post A few comments. Last fall I was working on the edge of the West Point Military Academy, former Mama Leone's Farm where I was told Eisenhower and others had had reunions. I was staying near the Stewart Air Guard (cargo planes) in Newburgh, NY where incidentally, according to Senator Hillary Clinton, reviewing the re-enactors, was where the "Newburgh Conspiracy" to make Washington "King" was thwarted among the officers of the American Revolution by George Washington. Nearby the troops over-wintered after the peace treaty was signed, just in case it was a ruse, the site of the New Windsor Cantonment, where a future Purple Heart center will be. Senator Clinton made the Post Office permanently print a Purple Heart stamp, and Bernadette Castro, who once ran for Senator of NY against Patrick Moynihan, announced the future center, she's in charge of NY Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. The war against drugs should be against the narcomilitarism in the US military as evidenced in the 1/4 million "ecstasy" doses found smuggled by the Air Guard there in Newburgh, NY. It should open all the files it has on the experimentation on human subjects it has done in the US and abroad (it's said Anthony Burgess knew of some of them) and many of the proponents of drugs themselves were once subjects in experiments. After the government comes clean, we should try to come up with better legal policy that will no longer corrupt law officers, tempt felony murder, and create saner laws. I was once held at a US border "in concert" for what was down another passengers underpants, and I object to this type of law, while large recreational vehicles go by with thousands of "sport" ammunition rounds and large uninspected parts of boats and trailers. By: Arielman on April 12, 2006 at 11:43am

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