Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Good news from Saudi Arabia

"@ King Faisal Foundation is going to launch a private university next year, "to cause a change in Saudi Arabia," said Prince Bandar bin Saud bin Khalid, deputy managing director of the foundation. According to the him, the new university should be like MIT or the Cambridge of the Middle East. They will teach engineering, medicine, science and business technology, and will not offer any courses in Islamic or social studies. The interesting part of this news story is: Male and female medical students are going to study together. Now this is going to make some people lose their minds, isn't it? It is weird how the Sahat guys did open their fires on this story, yet." "Saudi Jeans" - blog One of my archaeology employer/supervisors who's retired now, grew up in Yellowstone. Her father was a consultant to the Saudi government to create a National Parks system over there. I recall in Stony Brook Graduate school looking at micro-fiche in the library of this gentleman in Florida who collected a fairly large number of projectile points or arrowheads from around a few of the "water holes" he came across on a survey of some sort, and he kept them up on a wall.

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