Friday, March 17, 2006

How many Generals fit on the head of a pin?

Let's see, there was General Colin Powell, from "Banana Kelly" a street here in the Bronx, NY, unlike others has a "crook" in it like a banana, so it got named. Then there was the head of the U.S. Army, fired shortly after the Enron scandal, which cost Fort Hamilton, in Brooklyn, NY $10 million in energy costs. He was on the board of Enron. Recently, General Richard Myers, formally of NORAD and "Space Command" (I imagine jokingly like General Jack D. Ripper in "Dr. Strangelove" who starts WWIII in the film by that former Bronxite, Stanley Kubrick) has been replaced. I read his testimony of the forced landing of the Korean Airlines in Canada, in the Yukon Territory, in White Horse, which when I was in Skagway, Alaska, they unofficially opened the road to. About five hours away, one local (Skagwaian?) woman I met, told me they drove up to see the western, "The Long Riders" (1980) in White Horse with the Carradine, Keach, Quaid and Guest brothers. Singer and entertainer Dolly Parton has a locomotive from Skagway, Alaska at her theme park. It was really touch-and-go for the "White Pass and Yukon Railroad" back when I was there, it had the seriously, disappearing railroad blues, someone there recording all the songs he could find. I guess her purchase might have helped. Anyway, I saw the footage of the 747's landing at White Horse, Yukon which has no radar! One of their transmitters was malfunctioning, sending SOS, he testified sort of to the U.S. Congress. Who's next?

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