Thursday, March 16, 2006

fcc metes out record indecency fines

My cousin, George Murray, produced the 1976 Democratic and Republican conventions coverages for CBS. Edwin Newman read at his eulogy at the UN Chapel, a letter canceling, by "higher ups" his team of reporters for "NBC Nightly News" in Vietnam trying to get the "common soldiers view" of the conflict there, he had been an Army Captain in the Korean War, technically still on, and at first a film editor at NBC, from the U.S. Signal Corps. I think the current FCC fines are a tragedy, on the order of General Westmoreland's suing the whole NBC network over a post-Vietnam retrospective report by NBC News about "body counts". The fines, after General Colin Powell's son's leadership as the head of the FCC, are a calumny, a "blackening" of his service and the FCC, in my opinion, and should be withdrawn, as one event occurred accidentally, with Ms. Jackson and Justin Timberlake, and the other as part of a morality tele-play shown every week. Zacharias Moussaoui claims he was under surveillance as soon as he arrived in the US. Shouldn't he have had French counsel? As I recall it is a problem in international jurisprudence. Last job fired because I had a blog! Dewberry/Goodwin, Inc. Discovering the former batteries under Battery Park on the Swing Shift (3:30pm-12:00am) downtown, overrun with rats, in the new subway tunnel being "cut and covered" through the park. The "eternal flame" is there at the "Sphere" outdoor sculpture, once at the WTC, damaged in the 9/11/01 attacks, moved there near the old flagpole now with MIA flag (post 2003 City Council) on it. George Myers (P.S. The Bronx is still up and The Battery is down) Sent to an investigative reporter

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