Monday, October 17, 2005

Scotty gets "beamed up"

The actor who played "Scotty" on "Star Trek" is being sent into space this December 6, 2005, his ashes that is. Gene Roddenberry's are still there too, though reported to have been crashed into the Moon looking for water. This site I found very interesting and informative. I like time-lines keeps me on my toes with those "bing dates" some I've never even heard of. My great whatever father Alexander Urquhart arrived from Scotland in Pictou, Nova Scotia in 1803. This castle site was for sale, once, their National Trust bought it instead. Attributed to Sir Thomas Urquhart, who translated the great French satirist Francois Rabelais, ("Author of satirical attacks on medieval scholasticism (1494-1553)") and wrote other literature and science treatises. He died in Italy I read, laughed to death when he heard that Charles II had been restored to the throne after the failure of Oliver Cromwell's son. Local legend has Urquhart's ghost laughing around this castle he may have blown up defending the Crown.

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