Monday, October 17, 2005

The dogs of war...

"Over 20 years ago I visited a Latvian-American intercampus fellowship (Buffalo/Stony Brook) woman grad student in the Belmont section of the Bronx, NY. Mt. Carmel, its also called and today still has the "Little Italy" of the Bronx, and other ethnics, including a mosque today. I live near a 'Bronx Moslem Center', in what was one of CWA's offices (Communications Workers of America) on Rhinelander Ave. There was someone then handing out literature then that showed four skulls, the wild wolf and two others between and the modern canid or dog, an evolution to show why Muslims don't like dogs in the 'City of God' because of the wildness they represent. It might be also be compared w/ bovids or pigs, which are known in 5 or 6 generations to revert to wild boar. Marvin Harris, an anthropologist, also pointed out that, pigs as a resource, require a lot of water and shade or they burn-up in the sun, hence the possible functional reason for the proscription against them in the Middle East (in, 'Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches'. He taught at Columbia University and wrote 'The Rise of Anthropological Theory' a large tome used in some anthropology classes, used in the two I had with Marvin Opler. His brother Morris I later found out, had two out of his three briefs read by the Supreme Court over the rights of Japanese-Americans in internments during WWII. He had studied the Apache for the U of Chicago Ph.D. Marvin Opler was an 'honorary Navaho' and taught in the Psychiatry Dept. and the Anthropology Dept. as then NY State University at Buffalo). The dog might be a 'flash point' though we cheer when they save Hollywood, though left behind in New Orleans as were the service dogs in Vietnam."

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