Monday, October 17, 2005

BAGnewsNotes: Extreme Home Make Over: Iraq Edition

Posted by: George Myers, Jr. | Oct 17, 2005 at 06:25 AM: "I and looked at some of the equipment costs. Headgear for 'night vision' (aptly named, does not work near dawn or dusk only thermal imaging does used in fires and even archaeology, buried stones hold heat, or what the Swedes have invented gated-laser imaging for terrestrial and underwater remote sensing, probably to guard the 'caves' their navy is kept in since WWII. Recently we've joined up, 'Svensk testad' (Volvo motto) they run their Stirling engine sub off California, we try to 'hear' it) about $4-$5000. William Shatner wore one doing a border patrol on horseback, after trying to save the huge fish, the whale-shark (40'+ fish eats krill only like a whale, though a fish) so I think some of the photos were taken at night, with the infrared helmet attachment. I spent many a day looking through an infrared transit, which can bounce off prism mirrors thousands of feet for engineers (and in space?). After CBS news reported Irak (Sp.) overwhelmingly for their Constitution, and I read Associated Press says overwhelming numbers of Sunnis turned out against, ABC news last night reported two provinces against, which are geographically large. I think part of this is over who controls the Mosul oil fields, where the ancient city of Nuzi was dug up in the 1930's by Starr of Harvard, part of Mitanni, near Kirkuk, and where the Ency. Britanica reports 'catholics' from 300 AD onward, and if the Kurds, who live in 3 or four countries on Iraq's borders, have autonomy in Iraq. One of my former archaeology professors at Stony Brook University, as reported, is trying to secure funds to rebuild Iraq's archaeology collections, by training Iraqis, and getting no commitments beyond a short term one year deal."

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