Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Fw: Cinematical: favorite documentaries

Fw: Cinematical: favorite documentaries > Your comments: 1. Dr. Zimbardo's Social Psychology experiment, where students become jailors and prisoners, getting out of control. > >2. "Titicut Follies" about the now closed asylum. Looks like Guantanamo, complete with nose tube feeding. > >3. My own attempt to film a marble "tide pool" (new word entry in Webster's they wouldn't redefine calumny for me "blacken"?) at the bottom of a 28 foot tide. Krill and shrimp and stuff like that, in 300 million old white rock. Right whale nursery nearby, and "near" where I once picked dulse in the Bay of Fundy. > >4. The company "documentary" of the "jet pack" shown in Paul Sharits course, "Experimental Film Analysis" at the Gerald O'Grady Media Center on Bailey Ave., in the English Dept. at Buffalo University, in Buffalo, NY, down the street from UB and Frank Sinatra Jr's haunt. I lived around the corner for awhile. Guy flies under a bridge through a stream and out the other side(?). > >5. Same location, a Harvard Medical School documentary. Opens with pigeons with percents of their brains removed. Then on to an open skull live human who is "probed" in his brain with an electric stimuli(?) eliciting a response, i.e., arm raises, speech starts and stops, can't recall what else, hey, it was 1973. >---------------- 1) Artist "Madonna" bought the rights to the film Zimbardo made according to recent report I read online. 3) The ligthing with a handheld super 8mm didn't allow the definition of the the little caves and caverns to appear in the film showing the tiny organisms (Paul Klee at Bauhaus) swimming in and out as a show cast into the pool caused them to evade the shadow perhaps some sort of "intelligence" preserving them. So it became a large whitish circle without closeups. Splicing that stuff was tough. Maybe if I had an optical printer like Mr. Sharits and I think Hollis Frampton, though he worked mostly in 16mm. 4) Buffalo, NY is also home to Bell hovercraft developments and also had a very "modern" looking cetrifuge trainer for astronauts, the capsule more aerodynamic than others one usually sees. I'm still wondering if that guy actually flew through the small overpass on steam. (4/29/07)

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