Monday, October 10, 2005

BAGnewsNotes: Practically Obvious

One of the results, according to a group who were/are mapping every camera on the island of Manhattan, of the 1993 basement parking lot bombing at the World Trade Center, was the proliferation of cameras everywhere downtown. They were sold as a solution to the problem, that the group, found especially wanting after 9/11/01. Apparently I just came across a site of Community Boards in New York City, which listed all the locations of cameras in NYC, apparently maintained by the Community Board government in NYC. At one time I was oddly stymied by one camera and one operator at Washington Square Park! Which while that was there, at sidewalk level, in the basement of an adjoining building to the park, real surveillance and arrests were being made, from reportedly "eyewitness" accounts of alleged drug transactions. Your rights, the surveillance as the "other imp" let out of the bottle (the first one, I grew up, was the "imp" of nuclear fission) are perhaps ensured anyway? I'm not a lawyer, perhaps video does not serve as testimony, though, in over 3000 NYC undercover drug buys by unaware undercover cops taped by their superiors, be the only time it would be admissible? I remember reading the "Phillipinos of Yesteryears" by one of their Supreme Court justices. In an addendum, is applicable Muslim law, parts of the Philippines, settled by them, after all Indonesia is cited as the largest % of Muslims in the general population in the world. In the case of divorce of a woman, their law requires three witnesses to infidelity. One guy with a camera wouldn't do I think. One case, in NYC, a robbery (and rape?) at an ATM, resulted in the wrong person's headshot plastered all over the front page of the newspapers. The simple sequence of the transactions of the ATM had been misread. I wonder if that guy sued. We see more and more television journalism becoming dangerously close to affronting the ideas of justice it seems, associating crime and persons names between commercials. Especially, I think, if the commercial is a slick "Comet" ad, in our stars.

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