Wednesday, October 12, 2005

BAGnewsNotes: Bush City

BAGnewsNotes: Bush City: "As a fan of the 'Whole Earth Catalog,' occasional reader of 'alternative' magazines, a worker under greenhouses in winter on archaeology sites, and once having a friend who helped design 'instant structures' for the military, I am a little upset that many of the designs for exactly this kind of situation have not been implemented. One design for India, for example was a building with a large bladder in the roof (built with rammed earth, or hay bales and some steel) which uncovered in the day warmed up and covered at night kept the building warm at night, also supplying gravity fed water for drinking and washing. I have seen other proposals for emergency shelters that are designed with amazing innovation (i.e. made from plastic coated cardboard). Apparently, the 'response' (500 millions (?) for Haliburton clean-up contracts on Federal property storm cleanups, previously arranged down there before the hurricanes) is the least 'creative' anyway, using whatever can be had practically."

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