Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Dan Rather Wants To Reopen Memogate Investigation But CBS Bosses Have Forbidden Him To…. | The Huffington Post

My cousin George Murray produced the 1976 "dimmycrats and 'publicans" Conventions in 1976 for CBS (said 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' (Cedric Errol Fauntleroy) written by Ms. France(i)s Hodgson Burnett). His wife introduced Avon products in Mexico, where he died. Edwin Newman read at his eulogy in the United Nations Chapel a letter telling his crew in Vietnam (while producing 'NBC Nightly News From New York') that their long investigation into the common soldiers view of the conflict there had been cancelled by 'higher ups'. Strickly speaking, I wasn't at the eulogy. What I think is that the ranchero honchos read CBS's back of the 9/11/01 DVD, and saw '5% of the profits' will go to help those devastated by the events of 9/11/01 (9/10/01 the WTC was up for sale) and decided to do some old fashioned 'range riding' sometimes referred to in the folklore as the 'midnight rider' on Mr. Rather, even though in all of Debrett's 'Texas Peerage' there is one Bush, a cattle king, not related to our schmegegge President. ((Yiddish) baloney; hot air; nonsense) WordWeb 3.03"

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