Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Armed and Dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina

Sounds like they should have named the hurricane “George C. Scott� from a film of a similar theme, though I think he lets the dolphins go. “Dolphin� is also the name of pier or post in the water so I also wouldn’t be surprised if this is a “yarn�. However having read “Programming and Meta-programming in the Human Bio-computer� by Dr. John C. Lily, when he was an Army psychiatrist working in LSD-25 and sensory deprivation experiments, the report cited and available through Stewart Brand’s “Whole Earth Catalog� back in the 1970’s, and watching him go on to “The Mind of the Dolphin� research in inter-species communication, I think we can accept that the story is probably true and I would like to object to its praxis, my kin coming from the North Atlantic right whale nursery, Grand Manan Island, NB, Canada.

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