Thursday, September 29, 2005

Judith Miller is free...

I hope the Washington Post gets an exclusive. Their award-winning investigative department recently published a great piece of research on anthrax, and prior to that the research on the "Wedtech Scandal" here in the Bronx, NY. That was a big boondock boggle, over military bridges (like the ones the cigar smoking character played by Elliot Gould, got from the Brits, "Baileys" I think they're called, in the film, "A Bridge Too Far") supposedly built in an "economic empowerment zone" in the South Bronx, government graft, it was instead. The unsolved anthrax victim, a Vietnamese-American nurse, was from here in the Bronx, NY, Kathy Nguyen. Recently, "conscientious objectors" involved in anthrax experiments, were given medals, according to the WP's book I read from the City Island Public Library. Go get 'em WP!

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