Sunday, September 25, 2005

Army Ignored Capt.'s Claims Of Prisoner Abuse Until He Went Public?| The Huffington Post

Many years ago I came across a "declassified" document, waiting to be taken into "Special Collections" at NY State's Stony Brook University, on Long Island, where I was a student. It was the last issuance of the Nazi High Command to all its bases and officers. The comparison of the statements in it maybe could be compared to ours in Iraq. That section of the library also contains a large collection of "underground" newspapers from the 1960's and 1970's where I might imagine some government agents have gone to research people once in the War Moratorium and Peace Movement, among others, that led to, or were part of, a large "explosion" of journalism, recently attributed to "Watergate". "The Water Gate" was once a hole in the Wall in New Amsterdam (today "Wall Street" reminds us of it), that opened at dawn and closed at dusk, outside of which the English and the Puritan Isaac Allerton, buried at Yale University, kept a warehouse. I imagine they too, might have seen prisoners taken to unseen lock-ups. Later the British hired the Hessians to do the same in NYC and put people in ship-hulks, dis-masted ships in NYC's harbor, for being part of the "insurgency". Ethan Allen was tortured next to today's City Hall Park, in one of the jails, according to the NY Times, 1903. Thank you sir, for, to me, who has been on West Point to clear it for archaeology, in clean-ups after Hurricane Floyd's wreckage, and worked recovering the "Swamp Angel" a Civil War era, bombardment prototype, in the marsh of Constitution Island, in the West Point Foundry, Cold Spring, NY, prior to EPA clean-up of heavy metals dumped in the production of batteries for NIKE missiles, where I would hear the "Pointers Echo" (stayed in it too later), I am thankful that you have the courage to come forward and challenge our elected officials to "reign-in" their policies, which apparently are rotten and may place our troops in all the armed services at risk for torture when captured, no international treaty followed.

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