Sunday, September 25, 2005

Gothamist: Judge Says Fulton Fish Move Is "Fishy"

Gothamist: Judge Says Fulton Fish Move Is "Fishy": "I used to work across the East River dockside for Leaseway of Shaker Heights, Ohio, who delivered furniture for Abraham & Strauss. My Dad routed 30 or 40 delivery trucks around NY. I worked in archaeology in Manhattan, next to the Fulton Fish Market after furniture went South and their delivery went entrepreneur to New Jersey, too far to go. I found a 1730's ship, about 100' long working for the consortium's agent Ronson that became National Westminster Bank, in one of the remaining parking lots down there. Here's what I recall, hopefully politics aside: Former Fed. Rudy Giuliani investigated the market for FIVE years and came up with a misdemeanor against some guy named Cirillo (not one related to me). Then as Mayor he threw the unloaders out for 'bidding conspiracy' of some sort, (apparently they all had similar bids and negotiations to keep everyone working, the last actual fishing boat to pull up to the Fulton Fish Market was back in the 1980's I think, they even built a huge million $ refrigeration dockside facility in Brooklyn thinking they'd get the Gloucester b'hoys to sprint for New York rather than Boston) and imposed some rules. In comes a Long Island self-made lawn-mower business guy who gets the contract, and complimentary hi-los from the NY City Commissary which aren't even registered yet to be on the street, they're so new! Turns out however, the rules are already broken, the contractor is in Federal court over charges he's short-shrifted a number of employees and allegedly broke labor law. So the 'no one is above the law' 'catch 22' is broken on Day 1. The former Teamster unloader operators may still be in court. At the time a former UPS driver (Local 804 the furniture guys were also in) was President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Ron Carey, a NYer who ran to clean it up. He's accused of impropriety during his running against Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. (Mr. Hoffa, current President of the Teamsters is a lawyer, his sister a judge) and after the election found innocent of any wrong-doing. Something smells? I don't think it's the fish.

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