Friday, July 11, 2008

Morman calendar scandal!

It's interesting to think about them, and I often think of them as just in/from Utah. They started near Palmyra, New York (ancient Palmyra in Syria has been shown to have been settled by Hellenic peoples recently, only rumored in historical writings) and have an American historic site in Connecticut, near where the Bush family came from Greenwich, Connecticut the current President Bush's grandfather, a US Senator, who was said helped build Shea Stadium in Queens, NY home of the NY Mets. Steve Young, the famous San Francisco quarterback and lawyer (I think he owns the retail nutrition "Power Bars" franchise) was seen at the Greenwich YMCA along with George H. W. Bush's brother, where the family often has fundraisers, also once the home of the head of the American Communist Party (no connection). When the World's Fair came to New York City around 1962, they had a replica of the Mormon Tabernacle there. I wonder if the President's a convert? Mormon missionary calendar-maker facing discipline

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