Friday, July 11, 2008

Alec Baldwin: McCain's Problem: Not Age, but Condition - Politics on The Huffington Post

Mr. Baldwin you're right I think. The other day I was reading how Michael Reagan, former President Reagan's son was asking that a memorial be placed where his father had given the famous speech in Berlin asking Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall (who is being given the Liberty Award this year in Philadelphia, PA) and I realized that the challenges America faces are as hard or harder than the challenges Ronald Reagan saw when he started his campaign in Upstate New York, younger at the time than Mr. McCain, and unusually active, seen in Universal lifting exercise equipment. Given today's challenges, it appears we will need leadership of incredible stamina just to keep up with what may develop at home and abroad. I worked in furniture delivery with Vietnam vets, one a B-52 co-pilot, shot down over the DMZ between North and South Vietnam, under the Manhattan Bridge in Brooklyn. One was on call as a trouble shooter in Burroughs international monetary mainframes. We, in an incredibly short time, have moved to personal computers, Internet and an amazing set of problems and we might regret having leadership, if it lets us down, that can be instantly assailed. We are today a long ways away from "Huntley & Brinkley" news from New York for 15 minutes. Alec Baldwin: McCain's Problem: Not Age, but Condition - Politics on The Huffington Post
The real case is in Concord, New Hampshire, and there are doubts that they can show "injury" by Senator McCain to the plaintiff who invokes the law that he is ineligible to be President being born in the Panama Canal Zone at the time a jurisdiction not a territory which it became. There has been an interesting politic going on there, where the Doles have a cabin and then Vice-President Bush asked us from the upper deck of the motorship "Mount Washington" in Wolfeboro on Lake Winnepeasauki, to join him in a silent prayer as he was about to assume the control of the country as then President Reagan went under anesthesia for colon operation. Ironically, there were dirty tricks in the last Presidential election that by phone jamming kept public volunteer services from delivering elderly voters to the polls in New Hampshire. That Republican operative did a couple of years in the "big house" and was publicly unrepentant on release.

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