Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Comment of a good review of "Eyes Wide Shut"

 The DVD "Blockbuster" "R" version was not as interesting. I read the script written by Stanley Kubrick (from the Bronx, NY where I am, recently a retrospect of his work, especially "2001: a Space Odyssey" is exhibited through the artifacts of the film, i.e., the space suit, the B&W Polaroids system he used to figure the color of scenes as they would appear later, etc. in Germany). Was the marijuana scene added or ad-libbed? It wasn't in the script I read, nor Alice on the bidet(?) with Dr. Tom in the room? As I recall. I may have to watch the "European" version first. He should have been able to make "A.I." first (which uses the same device, the boy robot comes into the bathroom while the woman is on the "throne"). Being a New Yorker, I thought the sets of a "Ulysses in Night town" a little flat, somewhat, unreal though the gate to the estate more than real for New York and today's America.

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