Friday, April 28, 2006

Save Whales From a Cruel End: Stop Whaling Now

Hi Friends, I have just read and signed the petition: "Save Whales From a Cruel End: Stop Whaling Now" In 1989, visiting Grand Manan Island, N.B., I saw two whales "parked" at the Whistle, where my Canadian cousin was a lighthouse keeper, across from Campobello Island. The woman shooting a crossbow to take right whale DNA samples of the right whale "pod" that swims from there to Florida, from Guelph U., told me she thinks they were meinke whales, the ones the Japanese whalers claim to be overabundant and hunt for meat. Thought I'd drop you a line about the "Whales of July". If you want sign the petition. It's reported we hauled three dead finback whales out of NYC harbor just before 9/11/01 from ship traffic no doubt. Hudson, NY, location of the national fireman's museum, is where whale oil was made for the northern tier of New York's cities historically. Thanks!

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