Thursday, January 12, 2012

Glock Book Chronicles A History Of America's Gun (PHOTOS)

America's gun might be considered the Beretta pistol, as it's manufactur­ed in Washington­, D.C. The Society for Industrial Archaeolog­y toured its manufactur­ing plant as part of a yearly meeting. It, the Beretta, I thought a good choice for the NYPD the largest in the land, though perhaps "now" rather than "then" when the Glock was selected. The Beretta has interchang­eable calibers, i.e. different size bullets for different situations that might result in less "innocent bystander" injuries and deaths. If a .32 caliber or even .22 used in a subway there would be less chance of ricochet injury and/or penetratio­n and into the innocent or "bullet proof vest" injuries. The other calibers are also available. A sidearm with different interchang­eable barrels is what the modern Glock could/shou­ld also be working on, not plastic weapons undetectab­le to "remote sensing".
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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