Monday, August 04, 2008

Sunday Roundup

I once took a Greyhound through the swirling dust of Mt. St. Helens to work in Skagway, Alaska where Mae West once stood, Charlie Chaplin made the "Gold Rush" and Stan Laurel was in a film by himself to work one summer in historical archaeology on the Moore Cabin and first railroad in Alaska in the Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park. They had just unofficially opened the road to Whitehorse, where the narrow gauge railroad goes, then a trans-shipment point of preprocessed molybdenum ore from Canada then onto the freighter "Eastern Lily". The Russian cruise ship "Odessa" was there and its night club entertainers performed for free for the town one lunch hour. On 9/11/01 two Korean 747s were ordered to land there at Whitehorse, Yukon, one thought mis-signaled "hijacked" (actually low on fuel wanted a military escort) and a German charter airliner (20 jumbo jets in Gander, NFD) at an airport ill-suited, lacking adequate radar, etc.

My point is that there's about 90 miles to Juneau, the state capital of Alaska, and no road! All travel into and out of the international railhead and road terminus, (was that Saudi prospecting Land Rovers I saw that summer?) is by ferry, you would think that instead of the "Bridge to Nowhere" he would have invested in a "road to the Capital". I flew into the small grassy field. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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