Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Ice On Mars Confirmed By Phoenix Lander

Since around 1976, scientists have been collecting today about 10-20,000 examples, of meteorites from Antarctica. (ANSMET) We are currently in the International Polar Year, (IPY) scientists studying both the North Pole and Antarctica.

On the continent no one owns with no native people samples from asteroids, planets, moons, are collected from meteorites found on the "blue ice fields" and 50 or more laboratories have planetary materials to analyze and compare to our "other world" efforts. The rocks returned from the Apollo program and the info gathered by the Vikings on Mars are used to identify and analyze these knocked off fragments of other solar system objects, to help understand the history of the Universe starting nearby. The info we gather from Mars and meteorites may help us understand "climate" and perhaps answer what and where is life?

From the recent newsletter of the international Planetary Society about the Phobos LIFE project: "Our preparations for sending microbes on a roundtrip to the Martian moon Phobos have shifted into high gear." Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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