Thursday, December 20, 2007

Design Team Picked for Governors Island Park - City Room - Metro - New York Times Blog

I find this revision of history a gross deprecation to the former President William Clinton who originally, before 9/11/01 offered the City Governors Island for $1. At the time some members of the Congress wanted $500 million minimum for it. It’s also where John Peter Zenger arrived and lived, according to a swivel-gun monument at the southern end of the island, whose imprisonment and trial led to the “freedom of the press” we have today. His was the second printing press here. It’s commemorated at the NPS site at St. Pauls church, mostly in Westchester, partly in the Bronx, with a bell cast at the same foundry as the Liberty Bell. I worked shortly on the geoarchaeology of the now National Monument, Fort Jay, said built by Columbia University students in appreciation of the First US Supreme Court Justice John Jay. A former captain told me the D-Day plans were kept in a safe there, once Fort Columbus under the US Army. Eagles face “sinister” and “dexter” (left and right) for the different services there.

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