Tuesday, December 12, 2006

On reading Nora Ephron's "Take My Secretary of State, Please"

I once heard about FATT jokes "Funny at the time" which is another phenomenological puzzle about humor. Sigmund Freud once said (or Arthur Koestler) that almost all jokes are at the expense of someone and the funny joke without that mechanism is rare. Of course that's when you stand aside and look at them objectively without peer pressure. Depends how you define the reaction perhaps as much as you analyze the presentation. What's funny here to be alive alert and aggressive may not be funny somewhere else, in Vladivostok or in Elizabethan "England".

I read on the back of a Charlie Chaplin "Goldrush" tape, it's the "yardstick" with which we can judge other film comedies. Having gone through Mt. St. Helens instant dust-bowl on the Plains on a Greyhound bus in 1980 to fly into Skagway, Alaska, to do historical archaeology in the Klondike Goldrush Historic Park, where an American steamboat captain working for Canada, married to a Tlingit woman found the passage over the mountains that caused the rush, only to loose his claim when the border was redrawn, I'd have to agree.

However, to laugh over the parallel to "Beat the Devil" by the Bush administration, (with Bogart, Lorre, Jones, Morley and Gina Lollobrigida who is getting married next year) I cannot. Maybe its the yardstick we should measure the Bush administration by. Huffington Post column.

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