Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Operation Orpheus

In the "Subterranean Britannica" is this article about "Operation Orpheus" and the United States' simultaneous, "Operation Cowboy" in a Louisiana salt mine in 1960. The idea was that if you dug a big enough hole underground, an explosion would be "decoupled" vs. "coupled" and would register very little on seismographs which measure tremors as small as 1/50 the width of a virus it states. The Latter Decoupling Theory was proven using the "Excelsior Tunnel" in Cornwall, on the peninsula in the southwest of Great Britain that projects out into the Atlantic Ocean and the Greenside Mine near the Cumbrian Mountains also. Early 3-D drawings of, for example the output of a power station in an x,y,z graph (circa 1976?) involved the "decoupling" of one's eyes, combining two images which created a perception of dimensionality in the mind and a black "thread" would result suspended in the visual cortex.

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