(F-14's I saw I think the last two to fly over Long Island)
I wonder what Iran is doing with theirs. I was in the F-14 test pilots house, Tom Gwynne, one of the directors of the "Cradle of Aviation Museum" on Long Island, NY back during the Iranian Hostage crisis, brought on as Kissinger would tell you by the reports of spying on Iranian students by the Shah's secret police, "Savak" while attending school here, when the TV announced that it would blow up all the F-14's on the ground if the USSR made any steps toward the Iran border during the crisis, back in 1980 or so in graduate school in Anthropology. His wife now has a PhD in it and we had been watching "Ishi: the last Californian Indian" or some baloney, Ishi was befriended by anthropologist A.L. Kroeber, (author Ursula K. Le Guin's father) who didn't know Ishi's brain had been separated from his body and more recently "repatriated" with his body. Too bad the Yale U. "Skull and Bones" won't do the same for Geronimo, it's alleged, which both John Kerry and the Presidents Bush belong to.
The Shah of Iran had ordered, I'd thought 100 F-14's, but only received 80 according to Mr. Gwynne, cited in "Newsday" a number of months ago, they were built mostly on Long Island, NY. I suppose they factored into former President Carter's strategy, the "air-to-air" missile systems, the reason we declared they would be obliterated before the technology fell into "enemy" hands. What a birthday for Mr. Gwynne!
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