Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Wanted...Dead or Alive

Mark Knoller: Shelf Life For Heated Rhetoric Usually Short - Public Eye

"Anytime, baby" was on the shoulder patch of the Grumman trained pilots of the F-14 Tomcat's the Shah of Iran ordered (80 [of 100?] delivered according to an F-14 test pilot Tom Gwynne, vice president of the "Cradle of Aviation Museum" on Long Island, NY the other day in Newsday) for defense of Iran back in the late 1970's before "Top Gun" and the revolt, I believe over the impunity of Savak, the Shah's secret police, that operated here in the U.S. collecting info on students here in American schools. There was a striped orange tiger tabby cat in a boxing ring with gloves on standing at one of the corners on it.

Back in the early 70s there was also a wanted poster too, of Jesus Christ, "Wanted Dead or Alive" maybe part of the crusade we seem to be involved in. Apparently, Pontius Pilate may have been involved in the assassination death of Emperor Tiberius, however the story of the cobbler "wandering jew" who drags his body out of a lake every year, is a fictional account partly from Texan frontier pharmacist, an O. Henry story (after Ohio Penitentiary they they think in Austin).

Posted by georgejmyers at 3:10 PM : May 30, 2006

Note: the Iranian student problem was noted in the film "See No Evil, Hear No Evil" where a demonstration is included in the film I seem to rememeber which may date the script or lend an historical telling to the tale, of the two "witnesses" to a murder played by Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor.

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