Friday, April 07, 2006

Thank you former US Senator Gary Hart

Thank you for printing and citing those important writings. As an historical archaeologist I have worked on the William Floyd Manor, in Mastic on Long Island, who signed the Declaration of Independence first in New York state, fourth on the list to become the new nation, and at the Rufus King Manor Park in Jamaica, Queens, NY who was the "last Federalist" and our first Ambassador to Great Britain after the American Revolution. Some of the Federalists, who predominately published in New York City I am given to understand, were from the Nation's first Federal Capital, New York City where I am from, though born in the borough of the Bronx where the current Capitol Dome was founded, in the South Bronx, then assembled in the District of Columbia during the Civil War, an important symbol of unity thought by President Lincoln, costing a little over $1 million, a small price to pay for what it has come to symbolize to the world, a unity of government, that was not torn asunder. I have also worked in Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland, where, in retaliation for the invasion and burning of what has become Toronto, we were besieged and the White House set on fire in the War of 1812, over which, our national anthem was written. I ask that the current administration stand down from its imposed regency, creating a "star chamber" above the law and the civil rule we have encoded in our laws that preserves the power of the people from the seizure of power from the legislature and the judiciary as it is becoming clearer that the executive branch has over-stepped its legally permitted area of operations. We cannot have secret purchases of airplanes to clandestinely transport citizens of other countries without legal representation without ourselves being accused as "Barbary(ic) pirates".

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