Thursday, March 23, 2006

Journalist Transparency Blog:

Transparency? Is it relevant when retired General Westmoreland sues the whole NBC network for a post-Vietnam analysis by NBC News over the issue of "body counts" for millions of $? When the "Washington Post" publishes a book on anthrax, where in it it's reported that Selective Service Conscientious Objectors were exposed to anthrax for research and recently given medals for it, is transparency even relevant? When they also investigate the "Wedtech Military Bridge Scandal" in the South Bronx, NY in the "NY Times" neighborhood, is transparency necessary? I think it can add a layer of explanation, but usually it's what a reader checks for in the "who" in the what, when, why, where, and how, but the "which" part of transparency would be hard to explain, "appearences" being what they are.

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