Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mick Jagger: Miers Looked "For A Judge…But She Couldn't Find One. And One day, She Woke Up And Looked In The Mirror�...

"I have to hand it to Mick, he's the only performer I know who could stand trial in the Bronx County Courthouse for supposedly stealing a Caribbean writer's song, and go on commenting on American politics. After all he went to the London School of Economics, though I read to study Literature and Arts? was it? Many of us listeners would have left out of American culture without the Rolling Stones to introduce us to other artists, which they certainly covered and also went on singing their own songs. Sort of sad, seeing bare mannikins, and empty storefronts in America, as they were in Buffalo, NY back in the 1970's." Letterman had a funny thing about President Bush looking around for another judge, he looked around the office, down the hall, in this office then this office...

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