Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Group Of Congressional Republicans Wants “Bill Of Rights� In College Classrooms… | The Huffington Post

"Sorry, I get carried away by this freedom. I went to school where William Kunstler defended a Blackfoot Maimonides hospital administrator when she sued the 'racist school district' for the teacher writing on her daughter's English paper, 'I have an uncle who says the Indians got what they deserved.' Same school district sued the NY State Education Dept. for the leveraging of school aid to property values, the inequality of it found 'constitutional'. We had the first Marine Corps JROTC in the nation, now 20,000 of them costing $1 billion a year, ('Defense Monitor' PBS, who asked, in mostly poor schools, are they worth it?). Sorry. I can't tell which professor was in the Armed Services, which may have been in the Peace Corps, etc., even if one asked they might not tell. Though I did know one who was in the Japanese internments, his brother Morris Opler filed three briefs, two which were heard by the Supreme Court about Japanese-American rights under the US Constitution, which New York, a Constitution, would not sign without a 'Bill of Rights'. Hope this post was better, I have to watch them dig up the Battery Park for archaeology remains, by law. Where's Mr. John Glenn's 'Bill of Patients Rights'? In the trash I guess."

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